Thursday, August 23, 2012

PlayStation 4 Will Reportedly Support Upto 4K Resolution

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Sony is renowned for delivering a decent television, even if the price is often in excess of what the average consumer can / will pay. The company is set to bring forth an 80-inch XBR LED TV with 4K resolution, and from then on will begin to push 4K into the market, sans 3DTV a couple of years back.
With 3D not having made such a huge impression (prices too high, not everybody is convinced 3D viewing is that much better, and so on), now would seem like as good a time as any to begin pushing 4K in the faces of consumers.

Sony is the first of the electronics companies to move towards 4K, and it wouldn’t be naïve to presume other outfits will follow suit. Every couple of years, the likes of Sony, Samsung, and LG find new ways of persuading consumers to upgrade their hardware, and with Sony already shifting 4K Blu-ray players for $200 it looks as though the next-generation PlayStation 4 will also support 4K resolution playback as well, according to sources of BGR.
Blu-ray benefitted majorly from the PlayStation 3, helping the format see off HD DVD (remember that?) in the battle of the high-def media, and it may just be that same company that again sees 4K hit the ground running in the fast-paced world of technology. Those with little knowledge of tech now find themselves with mass Blu-ray collections, and Sony will be hoping it can push 4K resolution under the noses of PlayStation 4 users.
The effect it could have on sales of 4K television sets cannot be stipulated enough, since those with a device capable of playing 4K resolution media will find themselves being unwittingly groomed for the next-generation in television viewing. Electronics stores will latch on, and although Sony will be a significant benefactor of its own ploy, other 4K TV makers will also see the fruit.

Do you think 4K will manage to have the same effect as HD and Blu-ray has done? With a 1080p set now retailing at the kind of price most can agree with, will people consider upgrading their hardware if the PlayStation 4 is used as leverage?


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